Executive Summary:
Dr. Harish Trivedi belongs to 1982 batch of doctors who were taught both Homoeopathy and Allopathy. For ten years he suffered from various ailments, which he tried treating himself with conventional Allopathic medicines. For this he consulted with his doctor friends who were specialists in various fields of medicine. The ailments improved temporarily but after stopping the medicine they used to recur. Eventually the ailments became chronic. Extremely frustrated and disappointed that being a Doctor he had no solution for his cronic ailments, he tried non conventional therapy and to his surprise the results he got were very positive. Not only did the main ailments get cured, but even the associated ailments got completely resolved. Since the past fifteen years none of the past ailments have recurred nor is he on any allopathic medication.
For the resolution of psychological ailments, he believes medicines play only a minor role. First step towards their treatment is for the doctor to be a good human being, then a good friend and last a good doctor. He believes that only when Mind Body and Soul are in perfect harmony, the patient will state that he is feeling good and that is perfect state of health according to Dr. Harish, which he intends to deliver for all his patients. He calls his treatment a perfect deliverance of health and he has 38 years of experience to say so.
From The Desk of Dr. Harish M. Trivedi