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Introduction to Nosode Therapy

The remedies, which are prepared from diseased producing agents, diseased produces or diseased parts of human beings, lower animals or plants, are called Nosodes. Nosodes are remedies produced from diseased, tissues or diseased organs or excretions of living organism that is plants, animal, bacterial and viral products. The treatment of diseases by means of these remedies is called Nosode Therapy.


  1. From diseased products of human beings: -Bacillinum (from tuberculous sputum), Carcinosin (From cancerous tissues), Medorrhinum (Gonorrheal Discharge), Tuberculinum bacillinum (pus from tubercular abscess). 
  2. Diseased products of other animals: - Lyssin (from the saliva of Rabid dog).
  3. From diseased plant products: - Ustilago Maydas (from a fungus growing on the   stem of Indian corn).

The principles of treatment of Nosode therapy are same as that of Homeopathy.

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