Allopathy (from Greek word a'llos, other, different + pa'thos, suffering) is a term derived by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homoeopathy. Generally, Allopathic medicine refers to the broad category of medical practice that is sometimes called Mainstream medicine / Western medicine / Modern medicine. Term Allopathic medicine may be used for regular medicine in a context of traditional medicine such as Ayurveda or alternative complimentary medicine such as Homoeopathy.
Today the Allopathic medicine has become more refined after the discovery of Antibiotic, Painkillers and Steroids. Even then the concept is unchanged i.e. treat the symptoms and not the cause. Even after all the facilities of the finest Laboratories, we still treat the blood pressure by suppressing the symptoms i.e. by giving Antihypertensive drugs, since in most of the cases we do not know the cause. Pain in joints are treated with painkillers and Steroids with which we again suppress the pain but it does not cure i.e. we treat and reduce the pain but do nothing about the cause which could be Autoimmune disease and for which Allopathy has no medicine. Also if you study the effects and side effects you will come to know that at times side effects are more destructive then the Disease.
It is also very costly system of medicine because to support the diagnosis and the treatment, lots of laboratory investigations are involved, also the drugs are very costly because Billions of Dollars are spends to invent newer drugs escalating the cost still further; eventually, becoming out of reach for most of the people. After all that, the treatment remains suppressive and not curative i.e. the disease can recur. What about the effects and the side effects? When painkillers and steroids are given, it may reduce the swelling and pain in the joint but will invite Hyper Acidity, Stomach ulcer and might trigger latent Diabetes. So eventually the pain is not gone permanently but now you are treating Stomach Ulcer and Diabetes.
Allopathic drugs are good in life threatening diseases and emergency treatment. But when the disease becomes chronic in nature, they do nothing but suppress i.e. palliation. How many times will you treat infected Tonsils with Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs? Why not treat them with Alternative system of medicine and get rid of them once and for all and save yourself from all the side effects of Allopathic drugs.
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