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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

How long should I continue the treatment?

That would depend upon what kind of disease you have come with. If you come to me after a long time when the disease has already become chronic it will take long time to go. Every disease will have an acute onset and when it is not attended properly; it becomes chronic and disturbs the system to the core. Longer the duration of the suffering, more time it will take. If a small wound is attended promptly, it heals faster but if you allow infection to set in and become gangrene, then the case becomes difficult and complicated. Depending upon the case, the duration of treatment could be as short as 2 to 4 months or as long as 12 to 18 months in chronic and psychological disorders. Majority of cases do not go beyond that.

In case of progressive disease like Parkinson’s disease, the approach is totally different and cannot be time bound. A person suffering from Parkinson’s diseases have to take Allopathic drugs life long and that too the dose will only increase over a period of time. Now these drugs have their own side effects profile. By adopting alternate system of medicine, we could reduce the drugs dependency on Allopathic drugs; the person could be saved from the side effects profile of Allopathic drugs, which is dose dependant also.

How do we justify cost effectiveness & long duration of treatment?

Before giving antibiotics, we always do some laboratory investigations especially "culture" to know what kind of bacteria we are dealing with and what antibiotic is going to work on it. After giving a course of right antibiotics then what? Wait for another attack and repeat the procedure again and again. Billions of dollars are being spent in research to invent new molecule because bacteria are getting resistant to older antibiotics and it is only a matter of time before the bacteria acquires resistance to newer antibiotic molecule.

According to alternate system of medicine, we suffer from infection because our immunity system is weak. Weaker the immunity system, more frequently we fall sick. So why not make the immunity system strong, so that the dependency on antibiotics is reduced. Even if we do, we can surely use them in case of emergency. I think 80% of antibiotic use can be curtailed. That solves the problem of bacteria getting resistant to antibiotics and off course demand for new antibiotics will reduce tremendously; directly resulting into saving of billions of dollars in research of new antibiotics.

What are the principals of treatment?

You see, as in my case I had suffered from Chronic cold, Pharangitis, Nasal polyp, Infected sinuses and Backache. Now I did not take 1 or 2 tablets for each disease. No, that is not the case. I take all the symptoms into consideration, since they are part of one single ailment and that one ailment is to be understood and taken care of. We have to go to the root cause of the disease and try to address it with constitutional medicines, which are deep acting and set right the faulty constitution.

You will not bless me with the statement “I am feeling good“; unless & until every tissue in your body from skin to bones are in perfect order. I would specially give importance to mind, because perfect health is to be felt and enjoyed also and then the blessing will come “I am feeling good”. THAT I BELIEVE IS PERFECT DELEIVERANCE OF GOOD HEALTH, which I intend to deliver for every one who is holding my hand for medical help.

How do we deal with psychological problems?

We all love sweets, they taste good and we all want to have more of it. But when the same sweets are offered to you during sad and bad times ( like loosing some loved one), we do not like it, why? Has the taste buds changed in our mouth? No. The bad time has changed our mind. Happy mind can enjoy the goodness of sweets but the unhappy mind cannot. So what happens? Basically it is the condition of our mind, which allows us to enjoy the sweetness. The mindset, which does not allow you to enjoy the sweetness of sweets, is DEPRESSION.

How do we deal with depression?

When bad time or bad environment stays with a person for prolonged period of time, the mind starts getting tired and helpless of the situation leading to depression. There are two ways in which we can treat the depression. Treat it with drugs.

Work upon the environment and cause, which lead to the depression.

Medicine will not work unless we work very hard on the other factors. I believe that a depressive person needs a friend, philosopher, guide and a mentor. The friendship works wonders but the friend should put in all the efforts to bail out the depressive friend in crisis.
I would like to be a good human being, then a good friend, and if I could put a smile on your face, maybe you will make me a GOOD DOCTOR. That will be my commitment to you as a doctor friend. Medicines play a much lesser role.

Why do we fall sick or why do we get dis-eased?

As we know our body is continuously fighting with bacteria and virus by producing anti-bodies and our white blood cells play an important role in that. We also know that the response to the bacterial/viral invasion will differ from person to person. If the immunity of the person is strong, he will suffer less or not at all. But if the immunity system is weak, then we suffer and fall sick. If the bacterial/viral invasion is strong or the immunity system is weak, then in either of the case, we suffer. This could be corrected by giving antibiotics and treating it temporarily, because any way we have not done anything about the primary cause i.e. correcting the immunity because eventually it is the strong and healthy immunity which will protect us in the most harmless way. We cannot take antibiotics permanently. So why not set the faulty immunity system right and stay away from disease? Why not keep antibiotics as the last option. I think 80% of the antibiotics used can be curtailed and we can always use them in emergency. This shall also prevent the development of a resistant strain in bacteria and viruses against the medicines frequently consumed to control them.

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